Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Leilani has 20 Answers of her own!

Leilani followed Vee's lead and answered her own version of the 20 most common after-show questions:

1. Yeah, but you know her as "Ellie", she re-invented herself, again.
2. Yeah, he IS good
3. Awesome, but I'm married
4. Yes, we intentionally match
5. I did try out, they told me "thanks, but it's a no for us."
6. I know, but I AM hispanic
7. Yes, my eyes ARE blue, I'm still hispanic
8. We just like sugar, a lot
9. For a girl?
10. No that's okay, I can carry it.
11. I don't know, ask Vee
12. A little more vocals in the monitor.
13. That sucks, cuz the lyrics are pretty funny.
14. I don't know, it's Vee's
15. NO! Please don't touch the guitar!
16. No, I don't like shots. Nothing! I DON'T LIKE SHOTS!
17. Yeah, that WAS me on Check Please. (sigh)
18. She went home, she has to work in the morning.
19. Yeah, and a website, and Facebook, and Twitter, and You Tube, and....
20. Soon, we hope.

Leilani - just tell them you drink Jameson and hand it off to me!

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