Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Bowienauts were a success!!

...and so was Covers for Cover II! In the end we raised over $1,200 for Connections for Abused Women and their Children and had a crazy good time! All the bands were AH-MAY-ZING! Check it out:

SLUTTER as KISS"SLUTTER" as KISS (featuring members of Venom Lords, Scotia Widows, The Handcuffs, Wanton Looks)

Dressed in Black as The Gossip"Dressed in Black" as The Gossip, featuring members of Hidden Mitten and The Maybenauts' own Emily Agustin!

SLUTTER!  Confetti Cannon!The crowd rocking to SLUTTER! Confetti cannon, woot!

The Maybenauts + David Bowie = The BowienautsThe Maybenauts as The Bowienauts!
I'm David Bowie. I'm David Bowie. I'm David Bowie. I'm Davey Jones.

Leilani of The Maybenauts dancing to Double LifeLeilani dancing to Double Life's set!

Double Life as The Cars"Double Life" as The Cars (featuring members of The Hootenanners, KIM, The Dials & others)

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